2011年3月6日 星期日

[11/02/24]ImageShack pulls plug on hotlinking to unregistered domains(ImageShack新策略)&青蛙解凍大全



ImageShack pulls plug on hotlinking to unregistered domains
Free image hosting services are a dime a dozen, so migrating over to another service should be as easy as pie, should it not? After all, the only thing one has to do is to download the entire photo album from the original hoster, extract the images from within and re-upload them into the new image hoster.

Okay, so maybe it might be a little more tedious that it sounds. However, users who often upload images to a particualar image hosting service known as ImageShack for the sole purpose of sharing them on websites or forums might want to start considering a migration to alternative services. Not because ImageShack is shutting down though: rather, this is due to a new policy implemented across ImageShack's image hosting services.

Apparently, the hoster has just recently implemented a 'registered domains' system: this policy requires that webmasters register their domains with ImageShack in order to ensure that visitors to their site can view all ImageShack-hosted images. And because no prior warning about this sudden change in policy was made to the Internet-going public, it seemed that many were caught unaware when the policy was enforced. As such, ImageShack users who have hotlinked images to unregistered domains will only see this image on the offending site:
ImageShack pulls plug on hotlinking to unregistered domains

More importantly, it appears that this issue is affecting users on a global scale, and is not just limited to users from a particular geographical region. To remedy the situation, users can either attempt to visit the link listed on the image above and register their often-visited sites with the image hosting service, or bug the webmasters of those websites to do so on their behalf.

ImageShack pulls plug on hotlinking to unregistered domains
Of course, at this point, users can also just opt to ditch ImageShack completely and go for an alternative, no-cost image hosting service. After all, as they always say, whatever floats your boat.



Sign Up來到這裡註冊

  預設為  http://img**.imageshack.us/img**....
  改為  http://a.imageshack.us/img**.... 
  或者改 http://c.imageshack.us/img**....

以下有更清楚的解釋,引用自I Just ME


這方式可以讓該網站對ImageShack允許訪問,It can be done here

4.使用火狐插件 RefControl
來突破圖片外連的限制。許多影片、圖片空間會擋Referer,此時需要Firefox RefControl插件來欺騙網站。

安裝好後,將火狐重新啟動,並點選頁籤的「工具」的 「RefControl選項」來到以下畫面↓

這種方式不僅可以bypass Imageshack,看漫畫、影片時只要發現網站會擋Referer開不起來,都能嘗試這個方式,但前提是需要安裝Firefox 火狐才能使用此插件。

另外感謝:我從山中來、 Ebola777一起研究與討論 google & you

